My name’s Lauren Montgomery (née Smith) and I am a Canadian artist currently residing in Midland, Ontario with my husband Michael, our dog Oliver, and our three cats, Molly, Thomas & Spoons.

Well I suppose since you’re in the ‘About Me’ section of my website, you are probably a bit curious about who I am and how I found myself with this particular business.

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always enjoyed being creative, whether that be through my numerous childhood inventions (such as my Sailor Mercury themed Bubble-Producing Wrist Watch or my Mouse Trap-esque contraption for capturing the Tooth Fairy) or through making ridiculous videos with family and friends in my high school days. I have always appreciated art, but I was intimidated to try my own hand at it as both of my parents, as well as both of my sisters, were always known to be the artists in the family. I was so intimidated that I even opted to play the clarinet in high school rather than take art (spoiler alert - my creative abilities DO NOT extend into music… I apologize to anyone that had to hear that tragedy).

It wasn’t until 2017 when I took my mom to a ‘Paint n’ Sip’ event that I ever picked up a paint brush. I remember being surprised by how natural the paint strokes felt and how much enjoyment I got watching the blank canvas turn into something that I was actually kind of proud of. After that event, I decided to buy myself a very basic starter acrylic paint kit and some cheap canvases. Over the next several years, I dabbled here and there with doing one or two paintings a year - mostly painting landscapes and other nature-themed paintings just for fun or for gifts for my family.

I’ve always been a lover of animals and nature - I truly don’t think you could find a bigger animal lover than myself! The pets I have had throughout my life have always been some of the absolute most cherished members of my family. When my sister and brother-in-law’s beloved dog, Seth, passed away, my other sister and I decided to collaborate on a gift with myself creating a painting of Seth on a wood slice and my sister completing the piece with flowers and a resin casing (check out her business, TopiaResin, by the way!). While I already had the love of painting, creating such a meaningful and cherished art piece for someone made me feel so much purpose. And with that, my art business was born!

Since then, I have been so fortunate to paint the many wonderful faces of your most beloved furry friends. Seeing and hearing the reactions of the recipients of these portraits has truly given me some of the most meaningful moments of my life. While I have ventured into wildlife art as well, doing custom pet portraits for all of you lovely people still remains my biggest passion.

So now you know a bit about myself and my journey here! Thank you for reading and if you would like your very own pet portrait, please reach out to me through the form on this website! 🐾